"It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done,
but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

- Lord Chief Justice Hewart

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Do You Really?

This is in response to a comment left on one of my older articles... a little bit late but I never turn down the opportunity to interact with readers who take time to read what I write. This is in regards to the artificials that go to church to be seen, that go to church to fulfill their weekly ritual to feel better of themselves.

I don't think I was targeting any age generation in particular. I address all ages, because as surprising or unsurprising as it may seem... most people do not grow up. Most people do not change. Why? Because they do not see anything wrong with themselves. Most people see themselves fine the way they are. Until of course, God slaps them hard in the face getting them to wake up. Some people are not aware of this. All they can see is life being bad for them and they are dealt a heavy hand of misfortune and their lives are a big mess and a big drama. They might even proceed to go emo and be all dramatic about it.

You do not learn and get to know God better by singing songs. That is not what worshiping God is about. Striving to reach the next level of worship and offering to God is a challenge? Since when did worshiping God sincerely with all your heart and soul became a difficult thing until it became a challenge? You either are sincere about it or think you are. This is the problem with people these days. They make something look so grand and difficult as if it is a huge deal being able to successfully pull off. If you are right with God and if you are sincerely wanting to improve for the better, not just for that duration of song, for good. You will find no problems whatsoever. I think the hardest part is to be convincing enough for the "moments that matter." I know of "Christians" who put up a huge drama show over how difficult it is for them to fast. Is that something one should really be telling others? Why the need to show the world that they are suffering? What are they trying to gain? The approval of men?

It would be pretty narrow-minded of me to "judge" all the "Youth" based on a few people. It is not something that I do. If you knew me even a littlest bit you would know very well that I uphold integrity. You may know many of "them" who are "actually on fire and all out for serving" but how well do you know these people? Being all fired up and wanting to do things for God is very different to actually doing those things. Instead of giving reasons of hindrance. People can put up grand shows. People can always be in the "spur of the moment". If you are not strong in your foundation, you will crumble.

All in all the comment only touched on a very minor part. Perhaps it was selective acknowledgment. Perhaps it was just overlooked. Perhaps it was a mild attempt to voice disapproval.

Until the day it is greatly shown that there are more actions than just words or desire to act, nothing has changed. This fire as I say will die off after a short while.

* * * * *

Humans are imperfect yes. We all make mistakes? Yes. However "mistakes" that take years to come into fruition, in some cases, carefully planned? Unacceptable. Those are mistakes that could have been rectified, preventing the situation from worsening. I will expand more on this another time.

Ignorant Optimism will not cover the fact that some people intentionally do not wish to change. That some people actually like being in the situation they are. Especially those that are receiving all the attention. What is this attention for? I can go on and on about how action speaks louder than words, that if you cannot or do not want to put your money where you mouth is, then please do not go around making it look otherwise. Whatever a person of a certain faith say and do, will be observed by everybody else. Especially even more so on the internet. If you give people room to comment, criticize and judge, it is by your own doing. Everybody has their right to call stuff as they see. It is our responsibility to make sure that we do not give them reason to find fault with us. You cannot do as you please and expect people to be silent about it. That would be oppression. That would be willfully intending to deny the fact of events that happened. Such is the price of attention.

I always look forward to views of readers. More intellectual responses feeds my brain!

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