"It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done,
but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

- Lord Chief Justice Hewart

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who is Paying?

Ever got invited to join a birthday dinner at a very nice place? You glance through the menu and realize that the prices are beyond what you would pay for, most likely due to it probably not being worth or should not be costing that much. So you try to order reasonably, selecting foods that are as decently priced as possible. You then notice everybody else ordering the nicer stuff. You would think whatever they order is not really any of your business as it would not affect you.

Then comes the bill. Without prior arrangement as to how to go about paying, someone just suggests that the bill is split evenly. That is when you think you just got ripped off. In that kind of situation it is pretty difficult because everybody else who ordered way more in terms of pricing compared to yours will think you are cheap or calculative if you raise the matter.

I have experienced this all too often. I have resolved not to participate in these events because personally, I cannot afford it. Or some might say I am too cheap. Either way it is my money. I decide how to manage my money. I work for my money and I decide what would be "wise investments."

Here is the article I came across which motivated me to write.
Welcome to my party - now pay up!

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