"It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done,
but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

- Lord Chief Justice Hewart

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

It Never Fails Again

I start today waking up early and arriving for work 30 minutes early which is what I struggle to do. Today was a success. I think perhaps today would work out nice. I could not be further from it.

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Marcus and I watched Sweeney Todd. It was a musical. The story is pretty grim and disgusting for my taste. I guess what makes it so special is the fact that it was a musical. As nice and well made the film was, I felt that it was too... pop'ish for me? Too light... As in, if you were a person wanting to get started on musicals, this is one of the type of shows you would see. Sort of like for beginners. Overall, to me the storyline was predictable which kind of ruined the ending for me. What I will say is that I will never eat pie again.

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When I got home from work, before the movie. I was asking my parents if they had seen my shampoo. My parents as usual blindly claimed ignorance until my father confessed that he used it up. That shampoo was from Australia. It was not just any normal shampoo. It was a somewhat medicated shampoo which I highly doubt will be able to find in Malaysia. I was so fucking pissed. And my mom as usual being her ignorant as ever self was telling me there was no need to be angry and assumed that the shampoo was easily replaceable. FUCK NO IT IS NOT!

I wonder what cluster of shit will get thrown at me next. First my internet. Then infected system. I then get stabbed in the face. People using my fucking shampoo. Oh yes I am still counting.

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