For some reason I have static electricity charged in me. When walking beside my friends if I get too near them, we'll shock each other. Marcus can attest to that. What is weird is even when I am wearing long sleeves.
Few minutes ago I shocked myself when I touched a door knob only this time the charge was bigger than usual. I actually felt the stinging sensation and heard some crackling sound.
Now if only I can redirect currants at people.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
posted @
4:51 PM
Its 4am
and I can't frickin' sleep.
I only have one thing on my mind.
I am so full of anxiety over it.
I try to stay calm,
But my heart just won't still.
Happiness and fear is what I feel.
Happy to know that I am not alone anymore.
Afraid that I will lose it.
I won't find another that is like this.
I don't want it to be a miss.
The wait is misery.
The thought of the outcome is agony.
I am suffering in silence, but it never felt so good.
I feel grateful to be alive to be able to feel the way I do.
It is like a curse and a blessing.
posted @
4:03 AM
Balls! ...of Fury...
Finally got a chance, and the tickets; thanks to Afzal to watch Balls of Fury. I have been trying to watch this movie for the past 3 weeks with no avail due to the cinemas being fully booked. Well excluding the first two front rows.
I went with Afzal, Shawn and Ryan. The show was not that cracked up to be, I was somewhat disappointed but I will not openly voice that to the guys. I do not want to sound like an elitist jerk. This is one of those films where they put all the good scenes into the trailer. Seriously.
If any of you want to watch this, I suggest watching it at home and not invest your money in watching this at the cinema. It had some hits but unfortunately more misses as it contained mostly slapstick comedy and to me, predictable punch lines. I am impressed that they manage to get such big names to star in this movie. The financial resources would have probably been better spent in creating a quality screenplay instead of hiring big stars. Well I guess our local audiences do not really give a rip as long as they get to see people walking into pillars, getting their nuts smashed and even some eye candy provided by Maggie Q. Which reminds me, Ryan could not stop going on and on about Maggie Q while we were in the cinema. I was like "Dude, some of us are trying to enjoy the rest of the movie."
posted @
12:24 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Too Late. Up Yours.
So I got a call while at work today from a magazine company which I applied for a job months ago, the same time I applied for the position in my current work. Guess what? Now they call me and tell me they have a job opening. After almost half a year? Back then they were not serious about even dealing with me and now all of a sudden they want me?
They can lick my nuts.
posted @
10:37 PM
Days of Productivity
Yesterday was real slow moving at work but then fast at the same time. Maybe because I phased in and out of consciousness a bit too much. Oh I have been perfecting my one liner and here it goes.
The only productivity I did was the frequent trips to the bathroom.
* * * * *
Have you ever met someone that once you start talking, you feel some sort of connection where you could just tell them everything about yourself and they would be able to relate and understand you? Whilst you are thinking there is something wrong with yourself but they find it totally understandable and accept it straight out? Not only that, but that someone would reciprocate the same way confiding in you about themselves and in the end leaving each other feeling lifted from burden?
Oh oh bonus, they actually get it when you try to be funny and appreciate the same kind of humor you do. Also finding out that you are not the only one who is not perfect and that what you are to them is perfectly normal.
posted @
7:35 PM
1 response[s]
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Cool Dream
So here I was in what seemed to be like a church with all the usual faces, only that there were no details on their face. I guess it portrayed how unimportant they were. So this person and her current significant other were at the pulpit making some statements which seemed to be like praising God, but to me it was all propaganda to win over the congregation.
I walked out of the building as soon as I heard this which of course was noticed by that person on stage. Upon seeing that she changed her speech into insulting me. I heard it. What I did was went around the back of the building into the back entrance which led to the stage where she was now sitting down on a chair. I grabbed a vacant chair on the way to the stage, with everybody looking in fear. I went up to her while she was sitting down and not looking at my direction. I jumped as high as I could slamming the chair's surface down on her head. The only problem in that dream was that the chair was a plastic one.
I woke up shortly after that with symptoms of waking up from a nightmare. Short of breath and all that. I do not understand why I reacted that way because to me it was a great dream. I smiled thinking about it. I hope the rest of my day goes well.
posted @
1:57 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Difficult People
I have been reading and came upon some articles regarding difficult people and dealing with them. Quite an interesting source of information. The book is called Dealing with Difficult People by Roy Lilley.
I have not read the entire thing as the link I came across was only a sample of a few pages from the entire book. Read those few sentences was already enough for me to agree with him.
I will see if I can remember what I wrote. Roy wrote, that there are not many people in the world that truly care about you. How we treat people is merely a product about how we feel about each other. Difficult people do not care about you at all. They only care about themselves in a big way. Roy also gave a strong and compelling statement that difficult people are predictable people. This is the part which caught my full attention and I have to tend to agree. I would like to especially focus on the predictable part.
Some people get pissed off when it is indicated of how predictable they are. I can understand that they do not like it when people come up to them claiming that their actions can be read as if they are some sort of programmed robot with no free will. As if their lives' events are all known by you. That is perfectly understandable. However my inquiries on this; why do they feel offended if in fact it was true that they are so set in their ways, refusing to change, not caring about others? If they did not care about others why would they be affected by how people perceive them? Could it be that they just hate the fact that their actions have been figured out by people? Another thing to point out, I am talking about when you see a person who indubitably repeats his/her actions and reacts the same way everytime certain events happen. I am not talking about people you hardly know and then labeling them predictable.
There are some who will use the 'reason' that humans are creatures of habit. Personally I think it is a cop out. I see it as 'effective' as people who say 'I cannot change my [enter trait here]. I am born that way.' Is that not in itself ironic? That the person hates it when other people say they are predictable as if their life's course has been figured out and predetermined, when their defense is that they are created that way implying the inability to change?
Well you may have predicted as to why I brought this subject up. Obviously I encountered this experience today where somebody got irritated that when I said it was to be expected while waiting for that person's answer regarding his decision. I got a few statements back which consisted of
1. that person did not like being read like a piece of literature
2. that humans are creatures of habit
3. that people of the similar mindset would do the same to me
Hence the reason why my first few paragraphs above. What I chose not to bring up to that person in my form of response was that I put up with that person's behavior as well, only that I do not have a pole stuck up me and choose to let it slide. Which in turn brings back to the case where being nice does not really prevail. People will just step all over you.
If a girl got stood up by a guy after a few times, the girl would surely wise up and expect/predict the guy not to show up in the future arrangements to meet up. Is she wrong for predicting the person to not show up? Is she wrong for expecting the person not to show up? I think she should just not bother to arrangements of meeting up with the guy anymore to save time and energy. Some may say the girl is foolish to keep making arrangements to meet up with the guy despite the repetition of events.
Those of you who are so set in your ways, I hope you are happy where you are.
posted @
4:56 PM
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Hunter Killers
I just got woken up by my dog; Mocha's very very fierce growling and barking. What went through my mind within seconds were:
Why was she so fierce?
Was there another dog at the gate?
If there was, she would not really react that fierce.
Perhaps she was fighting with Speedy but if that was the case I would hear Speedy screaming.
I heard Speedy reacting the same way as well and thought maybe Speedy was eating Mutu.
However Mutu was still barking with them so it must have been something else.
I came down to see a dead body on the driveway. From a glance it looked like a dead cat however upon closer inspecting it was a rodent type thing. A very huge one at that. It was the size of my forearm. I am not exaggerating. Thankfully my Mocha is only vicious with small animals such as cats and rodents. She knows never to harm people. My dad had to go bury the rodent outside of the house and all was peaceful again. Just makes me wonder, what dangerous creatures dogs can be if they were not tame or obedient to their masters.
posted @
12:50 AM
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Weekend Again!
It is a neverending cycle, hopefully a cycle which improves over time.
The end of the year is coming... and I think my clients are preparing themselves for it as well... seeing that they take forever to get back to me in approving/changing the stuff we are working on.
Anyways a bunch of us were at Bee Lee's crib tonight and we played a card game called Citadels. I am not sure if it is to be labeled a board game or a card game as it does not really have a board to play on. It was fun. We played only one game, I was trailing behind because I was noob at the game. Since I am a gamer, I tried to seek out exploits in the game resulting in me 'turtling' the game which granted me a steady progress. However with such low risk strategy comes low gains. Khim Sin as usual was devious in his strategies while others still had not learnt their lesson in not joining forces to go all out on him. Everytime he is unharmed, he gains more and more in the game.
Basically the game involves people picking roles which each have their own special capabilities to aid themselves in building up 8 structures. Every player will have to repick their roles each turn. Whoever builds 8 structures first, ends the game. The value of each building are then calculated to see who has the most points. Hence whoever has the most points wins the game.
Kind of sad that May Yi was not around to play the game.
I hope this weekend goes great for me and for you.
posted @
3:44 AM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Rain and Dumb People
It was raining almost the entire day today which made my office colder than usual. I wore a long sleeved shirt to the office and that was insufficient to keep me warm. It still did not help me when I put on a jacket.
Usually I love the rain, especially when I am at home and wanting to sleep. However I got stuck in a jam due to the rain. Which made me not too happy. What did not help is that idiots were using the road outside of my housing area as a shortcut across from the NKVE highway to the highway which leads to 1 Utama and onwards to Kepong. I hate these people as they are such inconsiderate pricks. It is because of them squeezing into the road which leads to my place, that causes a congestion elsewhere and creates a whole chain reaction. So in the end all passage that leads into and out of my place, are clogged up.
I was suppose to have dinner and movie with Marcus today as usual, having Shawn as well this time around. However due to the bad jam everywhere and me being super hungry, and GSC not having nice seats for the movie we wanted to watch, the whole thing was canceled leaving me having dinner with Shawn. Not that it is in anyway bad. We always have things to talk about. The friends I hang out with, are not shallow dumb idiots who cannot seem to talk about anything besides the latest trend and what every other sheeple do.
I went out to the taxi stand to look out for my dad who was to pick me up. I went to a wrong car which looked exactly the same as my dad's. I scared the shit out of the driver in the car who was obviously waiting for somebody else. I was cool about it, calmly saying 'Sorry! Wrong car!' and went off. That driver must think I was some mugger or something. Previously, I would be embarrassed and very upset over such a thing, but nowadays I just can't give a shit anymore. So that was the most interesting and dumb thing that happened to me today.
posted @
10:47 PM
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Pulling Tea at the YMCA
Today, my care group and I went to make and serve Teh Tarik at the YMCA in Brickfields. It was a new project which I think my godfather had a part of starting. Previously he was doing the street feeding ministry where people volunteer to help give out food to the drug addict and beggars in Petaling Street. However since they cleaned up that place there is not many people left there, which is why they started a new project at the YMCA.
It was raining when we were there which I guess reduced the number of people expected to show up. There was too many of us there which left most of us idled and unassigned for anything. Here are some pictures.
Setting Up Shop
Lai Chin pulling tea
Khim Sin pulling tea
Keeper of the Cauldron
Needs more umph!
Guess what I'm doing?
Business tak laku. Actually we ran out of tea.
We treated ourselves for a day's work and Bee Lee since it was his birthday at Fish & Co. at the Bangsar Village. Business there was slow, so were the waiters. The food was however nice. Nothing super special, but nice.
posted @
11:59 PM
October to November Birthdays
Okay people you need to stop having your birthdays in these two months. Seriously I have been forking out cash celebrating you guys' birthdays and it is depleting my financial resources...
posted @
5:32 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Diwali Rhapsody
Yeah it is Deepavali today and it is public holiday! I took leave for tomorrow which means it is a long weekend for me. Mwahahaha! Still did not get much sleep though. At least now I can sleep in the afternoon or evening whenever I feel like it and not pretend to be working. Hopefully I can get my errands done during these couple of days. I will need to register to vote, get a haircut and also try to see if I can check on the status of my EPF contributions.
My house has got a little smaller due to the arrival of a temporary new member of the family. First it was Mutu in 2000; my sister's miniature pinscher which she never looked after in the first place, then a year after was mine, Mocha; a mixed breed with dominant labrador and german shepard heritage who by far is the best dog I have ever met. She is mild mannered, intelligent and obedient. Not too long ago came a third one, Hope; a schnauzer. She is very cuddly and cute like a teddy bear with the curly kind of hair.
The day before yesterday, Enoch acquired a fox terrier from a family who wanted to get rid of it. This fox terrier is a very hyper dog which cannot sit still. His original name still is shrouded in mystery while Enoch has been changing his name from Tigger to Milo to Speedy. He does not seem to be able to do simple commands like sit. I am kind of tired after having to educate the previous three so I just wish Enoch all the best when he brings Speedy to his new place.
posted @
2:32 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Dinner Show s01e04
Tuesday night, is maintenance night, so once again I went out to have dinner with Marcus. Will resume more when I have the time. Was too busy PVP'ing.
Updated: Okay screw this, I cannot remember details after this long anymore. Consider this episode a recap.
posted @
12:21 AM