I don't know why I keep going back there to read stupid dumb threads like a crack addict. Addicted to substance that kills your brains.
Have a read of this.
If you're too lazy to read that, here is my view and summary.
19 year old girl likes this 20 year old guy. Guy treats girl like crap and soon breaks up with her. Girl feels sad, so she resorts to hanging out with her friends. She enjoys hanging out with her friends because they do fun stuff together, including being a photography model for her friend.
Guy comes back and wants to take her back. She gladly accepts. Guy is now overprotective and possessive of the girl, not liking her to go out anywhere especially being a model for the photography sessions. Sometime in the relationship guy tells girl that he left her for another girl but now is back with her again. He also says things like he broke up with her to teach her a lesson. Says things like she will forever be a baby to him and it seems as though he has to control her every move.
She states in the thread, that breaking up is not an option and that she loves him very much. Despite him being a lousy piece of shit.
Can you actually believe there are people like these that exist? True that the girl may be admired for her unrequited love. However I think it is wasted on the wrong person. How can she not see that he is treating her like badly? Perhaps she has not experienced better relationships.
The core question remains, which is... Why would anybody want to love somebody who treats them like shit?
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