"It is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done,
but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done.

- Lord Chief Justice Hewart

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Acquiring new technology makes me happy like a kid waiting to go open Christmas presents under the Christmas tree... which I never had the experience of doing. Anyway the next part I wish to upgrade in my power rig would be the power supply unit. Sure it has been faithfully serving me as well for as long as the barrakote but it is said that PSUs deteriorate in energy production in time. Furthermore my PSU is only a 480w one. Time to get something with lots of buffer space like a 600w. Those things are expensive though but yeah good power supply helps the entire system last longer by providing stable source of energy. Power surges are bad for computers it may not seem like a noticeable threat but trust me the surges the computer gets over time the worse it will get. Think of it as waves of water smashing against rocks. Not the best analogy I can find in the morning but yeah. I am off to eat and head for work.

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